世界には色々なTin Whistle (ティン ホイッスル:アイルランドの縦笛) メーカーがありますよ。
Alba Whistles, Flageolets and Flutes
Setanta Whistles
Bleazy, P.G.
Busman Whistles
Clare Tin Whistle
Clarke Tinwhistle

Elf Song Whistles
Faust, Alban
Fred Rose Flutes and Whistles
Greenwood Pipes
Guido Gonzato’s Whistles
Hackie Pack Irish tin whistle, flute & recorder carry cases
Howard Music
Impempe Whistles
Jubilee Music Instrument Co.
Keltic Dead Copper Whistles
Lambe, Ian
Laughing Whistles
Le Coant, Yvon
M and E Flutes
MK Music
Mack Hoover Whistles
Merlin Music Home Page
Michael Burke Pennywhistle Co.
O’Brien Pennywhistles
Reyburn Low Whistles
S.Z.B.E Whistle Japan
Sassafrass Whistle Rolls
Shaw Whistles
Silkstone Whistles
Sindt, John
South Wind Whistle Manufactory
Sweetheart Flute Company
TWZ – Whistle Zentrum Deutschland
Tony Dixon Music
Tully Whistles
Weston Whistles
地球の音色 ティン・ホイッスル編(CD付)改訂版
hatao(畑山 智明) 光田 康典

![Walton's Irish Tin Whistle [With Instruction Booklet]](http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0786664509.09._SCTHUMBZZZ_.jpg)

Hi Koike-San,
We’d love it if you added Setanta Whistles to your whistle makers’ list.
They’ve been getting fantastic reviews so far like this one:
“I have compared my new Setanta (Low D whistle) with my MK, Reviol and Burke and it comes in number one. How did you do it? This whistle functions perfectly in the low and high range with a nice clear tone with some breathiness. You don’t have to be cautious at all. The most balanced from low d to high b of all my whistles. Having a variety of whistles is nice but if you only buy one, this is it. I ordered it on a whim and I am thoroughly surprised and satisfied. Goodbye Overton and Kerry whistles, it was nice knowing you!” Richard P
Here’s the link: https://mcneelamusic.com/setanta-whistles/
Let me know if you’ve any questions at all.
Thanks for your comment.
I added your shop to the list.(^_-)